Potassium sorbate is used in skin care products as a preservative. Perhaps the ideal would be to have no preservatives in the foods we eat or any of our skin care products in a great world.

But this is definitely not possible, and the use of preservatives is a necessity today, and preservatives have found their place in our world.

The difference between using or not using this substance can be like the difference when you apply a new product that you bought first on your face or you can apply a collection of bacteria and mold on your face.


Potassium sorbate skin care

Many of us do not make our own skin care products (like natural masks) and procure them from the market.
Therefore, to prevent the growth of microorganisms, we need substances such as potassium sorbate.

Therefore, in this article, we will introduce you to the use of potassium sorbate in skin care.


What is Potassium Sorbate?

Potassium sorbate is a white, water-soluble salt that appears as small granules or crystals in pure form. It is naturally present in some berries, but the vast majority of potassium sorbates in the world are synthesized artificially.

Potassium sorbate has a variety of uses. It is a food preservative because it can inhibit mold and yeast in many different foods. It is especially common in dried fruits and is also often used to help preserve beverages.

It is also found in skin care, cosmetics and personal care products. Potassium sorbate kills microorganisms and prevents the growth of bacteria, fungi and molds.

Along with some other preservatives, potassium sorbate can help prevent the growth of mold and other microorganisms in cosmetics and also ensure a more stable formulation and longer shelf life.


Benefits of Potassium Sorbate for the Skin


Here are some uses and benefits for the skin:


  • Inhibits the growth of microorganisms

Many skin care products contain water, oils and nutrients that microorganisms such as molds and bacteria like to consume. Preservatives such as potassium sorbate prevent them from growing and thus increase the shelf life of your products.


  • Protects you from rotten products

If your cosmetics spoil, it may be impossible to detect them. It may look good, but it is full of bacteria or fungi that can harm you or cause allergic reactions. Potassium sorbate and other preservatives help prevent this.


  • Non-irritating and insensitive

Potassium sorbate does not irritate your skin, despite its ability to inhibit the growth of microorganisms.


Is it safe to use potassium sorbate in skin care products?


The Cosmetics Research Group considers potassium sorbate and sorbic acid safe for use based on current cosmetic practices and at current concentrations.


Application of potassium sorbate in cosmetics and skin care


They are evaluated on bath products that are used in concentrations of 0.5. However, most skin care and cosmetic formulations are less concentrated.

Among 19 cosmetics including cleansers, serums, creams and moisturizers, etc., the concentration of potassium sorbate was between 0.001 and 0.3%. Therefore, potassium sorbate is safe in skin care because it is only present in low concentrations.

Used properly, it is safe for your skin. However, studies have shown that at concentrations above the standard recommended amount, this substance may cause irritation or allergic reactions. In addition, potassium sorbate in its pure form can irritate the skin, eyes and respiratory system.

Seeing the name of a preservative in skin care products may seem bad to some, but it certainly is not. In an ideal world, we would not need anything like preservatives in any of the products we use or consume, but without them, some products would not be safe at all. Without substances such as potassium sorbate, products can expire in a matter of days or grow bacteria or fungi.

Note that in skin care products, this substance is mostly labeled as potassium sorbate, but it can also be seen as Sorbistat-K, potassium sorbistat or potassium salt of sorbic acid.



To buy potassium sorbate or to know the price of potassium sorbate, contact the experts of the collection through our contact us page.


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